Saturday, May 22, 2010

3rd Stage of Change

To connect the levels so far, we started with the recognition of the Need to Change, which in level 2 became a Will to Change. The third level is based on Strength; Do we have the Strength and Courage TO Change, and to Be in that Change? Do we have the Strength and Courage to remain true to ourselves once we have the need and the will?

What I mean with this is that the Level 1 makes us realize, and gives us the choice to be aware or unaware. Every person comes to this crosswalk, and every person chooses. With whatever comes with them when that time strikes them, will determine the outcome of their choices. Looking back in time, we can see that the developement of our societies have made the people split in two. Either Ego is ruling the world, or the Ego-less. Even though these two main streams seem far too black and white, it has always been black and white. That is why this time and age gives us a world of Grey Children. The Grey Zone.

This helps to determine if what we have from our parents are of any use to what we have now recognized to be true, and sincere for ourselves. If not, it needs to be torn down.. But if anything can be used, it will be re-shaped, and re-manifested.

If you can see that we breed the future in every child, you may also be seeing what lights we put out, and what lights we lit.

Some believe we choose every 7th year, consciously or subconsciously, and looking back many people find major events happening in their lives around the ages of 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and so on. Events that in one way or the other directs the traits in which they concieve and are ‘re-born’. Events that make them climb yet another step on the ladder. Whether that is your belief or not, be sure of the facts that we always have the ability to choose. Stop and choose whenever we recognize a change is needed, and can find a will to change. Thousands of times..

Now, the work is not done just because we realize that we need to change. It is a heavy operation, a nerv wrecking mission, a chaos not easy to name. But the awakening alone differ in the route of our lives. It changes, in itself, the way we percieve the world. But when seeing it, we stand before another choice. We can stand fallen to the devastating errors of mankind, the roots of ‘all evil’. We can be knocked out by the huge mistakes we have made, and feel helpless once looking at it with clear sight. And we start to wonder if there is ANYTHING we really CAN do to make a difference. Already here, many give up. There is no hope when no doors are open.

So we choose to be willing to change – which leads us to Level 2.. or we choose to remain ignorant and remain ‘not wanting to know’. It is much simpler for most people to shut their eyes. I can understand that, I can even respect it somehow. But for myself, I would never be able to do the same. When choosing the willingness to change, we are running down the path of Level 2. We realize that there is so much to be done, and so much to participate in. And first we believe we can change the top, not seeing that change needs to come from the foot of the mountain. The energy we are filled with when we see how we can go about is fantastic! So we use it to demonstrate, we use it to argue about human rights, we question authorities for the way things work, only to be knocked back down on our knees being too weak on our own. Energy is taken, hopelessness fills us up. It seems for some spare seconds, that we speak to deaf ears. And somehow we are. Because how can a voice of wisdom go through to anyone not having developed the ability TO hear in the first place? So how can we EVER change anything?

We become stronger, the adversity we meet inspire us to continue, while others give up. There is a reaction, therefore there must be a reason, a cause, we say. So we try to find that cause. On the path we start to meet people feeling the same as we do. And the Gatherings begin.
We start to realize that in order to change the world, we need to change ourselves. We can get help to pry open the Third Eye in level 1, and Level 2 makes us stand strong in our own beliefs. Level 3 question that belief system to make us aware of what our personal belief really is. Questions trim us to recognition of ourselves.

It can whisper in the back of our minds:

“Do we have the Strength and Courage to believe – to be “tested” – to be doubted – to be questioned?”

“Of course!” we whisper back because darkness isn’t that scary anymore.

“We’re ready!”

But ready for what?..

What is it that we are waiting for? Because we feel it in the air, the changes of energy, the higher frequences, connections to people.. Premonitions.. OBE’s, dreams.. Can it be defined? Truthfully? It isn’t a choice.. It needs to be. However long that takes, take it.. Definition is a necessity.
Meditations give us the opportunities to pry further on our own. All to answer this: Do we know what we want and where we want to go? Do we have the strength to do what we want, and go where we want to go? Do we have the courage to stand up for ourselves?

And it may seem simple, the answer that pops up in our minds, but is it really that simple? I found it was more complex in its simplicity, than anything. I know what I want and where I want to go, but HOW can I make that happen? How can I Become without sacrificing another? How far am I willing to go?


How far am I willing to go for this?

You see, everyone can visualize, but can you envision all the beauties, freedoms and joys of a truly fulfilled life, and decide how you will help perpetuate those gifts? It all depends how you define ‘a fulfilled life’.. And many people haven’t defined anything..

So, if what you are now involved in is NOT going to benefit the children, the future & future generations, are you willing, strong enough, and courageous enough, to define that loss of path, and change what you are doing? Create those selfless deeds that, althought selfless, STILL derives out of Self. If you’re not, I can understand. But the advise is this: …you better think one more time, hard and long..

Do you have the ability to define yourself, find yourself, follow and lead yourself, manifest yourself, create yourself, and in all that CHANGE the foot of the Mountain, the Consciousness of the World as you see it, because once found your Self – you have to let it go..

Because, when you see it, feel it, walk it, create it, believe it and paint it.. When you make your own moonlight painting of what IS, and defend it; then you have chosen to complete the Level 3 of your awareness ladder.

The Stage of Strength to Define and Become..

Be Proud of yourself for being Here!

Skye Cebhfhionn

© 2001 - 2010 Skye Cebhfhionn

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