When we, in Level 1, are triggered to see beyond the limitations, and find ways that aren’t taught by our parents, we see the Need to change. We may stand fallen as to HOW, but we are noticing the feel of ‘having to’. When becoming more aware, where there was a Need to Change, will now be a Will to Change. We always start with ourselves, which is quite interesting. We become aware of who we are, where we want to go, what we want to do.
We become Seeing, and others remain Blind, so we start to change. Some topics we listen to suddenly lose their value, and we see how ignorant and selfish people are, including the parts where we have been ignorant and selfish ourselves. We ask silently in ourselves if we have been the same; if they always been that, but we cannot really know for sure. It is like we hear it for the first time.
Arguments we before always engage ourselves in, now become a waste of time. We start to see where all our energy is going, and we select suddenly where to put it. Some things seem ‘useless’, but wordly things seem like a ‘have to’. Drama that has been attracted to our lives; intrigues of negative emotion and negative intent become something we shun away from. We get fed up.
We become more direct where we put our focus, because we know we can affect it. We Change for real for the first time, in Level 1. It is a somewhat fetus stage for the awakening human, and we change those things first, that our brain says we can change. It is when we come to the things that we believe we cannot change (by science or belief) that the FUN begins!
It is easy to follow a certain belief system until it is questioned and we suddenly don’t know why we are walking the paths we are walking, or why we say we believe in something. When we are questioned, we are given a chance to realize our own direction. Take every chance to understand every question. Then you will be engaged when you get questioned, and not offended. It is a gift to always be conscious. Don’t lose the curiosity to understand yourself. Being questioned, or being the one questioning, is a doorway to always be conscious. With the awareness of the conscious movements in ourselves, and the changes made during the experiences, we can easily understand the steps we take and the direction the path is going.
We will know why we weave a certain pattern, but the most important thing is the fact that if the steps are conscious, we live as we believe; walk our words and live our truths.
In Level 2, it is important to see to that the belief found and followed, is a belief that comes from inside, one that stems from your aware choice and conscious.
I read scripts, but didnt follow them. I followed others, until their path got lost. It suited me well, it felt and flowed right. I fooled myself to believe that someone else could show me the way, that someone else could make me “see the light” until I was so alone and lost, and suddenly found it IN myself. Then I headbutt my own path and wrote my own life story.
Level 1 showed me the door to my own power. To be able to use one’s own power, the door needs to be opened. To open the door, you need a key. Level 1 gives you the key of your true belief. Level 2 gives you the key when you have found your Will-power.
If you have followed someone else that is more aware than you, you may have gotten the help in Level 1 to pry open your Third Eye. But to be able to stand straight on your own in Level 2, you need to understand what it is you’re seeing, and you need to be able to have the power to see it. The world for the ones who dare to be aware will become bigger and deeper, yet smaller and much simpler.
When we see and understand how we affect the world around us, we know how to use the magnetism we have. It is overwhelming when first realizing the personal power to change, but it needs to be a reaction that quickly turns to awareness and not more ‘impressiveness with Ego’. We have seen the results of our energy, it is there and noticible, and we have seen how we communicate with other means than words. We try to balance it, and when we can manage to balance it, we realize how the world works down to the Quantum physical level. Not in totality, but it all opens up to us. We see how small the particles really are physically – but how huge the particles power to create/destroy is.
How complex aren’t we as humans then?
How complex isn’t the interaction with another?
The power of our thoughts that we realize in Level 1, becomes a huge magical play before us on this level. We see patterns in our behavior, and the patterns in others. Mirrors are everywhere…
We can travel in time of our own lives, and realize that goals made then – how strange and weird they may have been – were made based on reasons. Choices are made according to our knowledge, and awareness.
Have you ever said: “I wish I knew then, what I know now..”
Well, dear one, You know now because of the choices you made then..
The Cosmos becomes bigger when we realize the macrocosmic starplay in our innermost. And the depth in ourselves becomes a wonderous soul-moving event when we can see the microcosmic pattern it in the sky.. When we realize the affect we have on others with the temper we have that day. How the actions are followed with the effects/results/consequences, we suddenly believe in our own value. We see the results of our behavior much clearer and much faster than before. The world becomes bigger, phantom like, when we realize how everything is connected. The world becomes smaller and simpler, because we make changes in our environment; stopping interactions we dont have to put up with; choose friends that are more like-minded; or we realize the respect to those who think differently.
Life becomes simpler in its outlook, because we realize that material possessions mean nothing. “Might be good to have” is not part of our vocabulary. The importance we had before of having a nice physically looking home, changes into the importance of having an emotionally/mentally practical home. We surround ourselves with that which will sustain us better in our growth. We focus on the greater collective good, rather than our own individual gain.
We understand that focusing on the Greater Good is the only way we can manage to change our environments. Individual gain is no longer the focus, however individual participation is. We understand that the change starts in us and with us personally, but the change for the Good of the Wholeness of humanity have to happen in totality. We imagine a world we want the children to live in and strive to honestly produce it, using visualization to help us manifest. We understand the power that is vested in all of us, how we affect things in our surroundings.
The violence we can see shining through a child in this world today, have us stand fallen. How can a child show such cruelty, with a conscious mind? Because it knows no difference. A child doesn’t do what it’s told, but instead what it sees. We must change our behavior to show children how things should be done. We must teach them compassion, not by words but by actions. We must show them love, not by words so much, but truthfully by heart. The children are, undoubtedly, our future. If you want to continue to breathe, you teach your children how to breathe. Not through you, but on their own. You can never keep them safe at all times, but you can make them be safe in themselves at all times. Open your OWN eyes for your children, and they will See..
There is a wind sweeping across our lives that has an agenda of its own (universal goal), and we have a map (our plan) and a sail (our mind). Using them both, we can use that wind to empower ourselves on our chosen course.
Finding flexibility in a situation, and work with what is there right then, we can use any moment to improve any matter. Therefore, we can also follow any wind that comes along, to use any breeze to take us closer to our goal. I believe we always have possibilities in any given situation – every time is the right time, but we go blind when the opportunities aren’t handed out the way we expected.
Knowing that we always can survive if we learn to see the patterns around and inside, we find Adaptability to become an extended bodypart. It needs to be.
We suddenly understand why things happen, and we feel our own power to Change. Knowing we can depend upon our own adaptability frees us to see opportunities that before was invisible. We hold the map that will change the world. The map to help others understand how to sail from chaos to order. Using it determines how we can serve this world, nature, and humanity creatively.
Nosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
Skye Cebhfhionn
© 2001 - 2010 Skye Cebhfhionn
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