Monday, May 17, 2010

1st Stage of Change

I started writing about the bigger personal Changes a long time ago, and saw it being brought forth in the Societies as a chain reaction, through my own but also other peoples own changes. First I wrote down a few sentences in order to remember. To me they made sense and were containing everything I knew and understood. The sentences were layered multiple times with experiences, emotions, and opinions. My values and morals gave the words nuances and depth, yet they passed over most peoples heads.

So I tried to explain them in order for others to understand what I meant, even though my original intent with writing them down was not for others understanding but my own confirmation and memory. I still failed to bring forth the clarity others needed.

This is yet another try to reach a level of common understanding. It is written to make people aware of their lives and individual choices. Maybe these stages can help?

Stage 1 is the place where we first realize that there are changes inside and outside of us that we have started to take form, pushing us to awareness. These changes are inevitable to our survival, both as individual people, but also as societies and cultures. It creates a mayhem of sorts to everything we were taught, and every paradigm we have believed without questioning starts hitting our faces. Through this chaotic swirl of new ideas, new experiences, and new personal understandings, we look at where our base is, and try every day to come closer to our own personal core of it.

As we fight to understand how we feel and how we think, things long forgotten come back. In other words, Past is catching us in the Moment, and serves us with people or situations we thought we had put closures to.
Obviously not, as they re-appear in our changing moments.

The moments we could reach easily before when we were in need of solitude or breath or break to rest our minds, can no longer be reached the same way. Our peace inside is no longer the same, and we get stressed out not finding the solid foundations we stood on before. The reason it is no longer solid is because it is no longer there. We have come to the realization that nothing actually is solid, ever. It is flowing. Not carved in stone.

So we focus on what is happening and try to take one piece at the time to understand it. It is mind blowing because suddenly we realize what we are thinking, and how we are thinking, and what we tell ourselves all the time. It is auto-responses to situations after taught behavior from childhood, or references that auto-respond because we have experiences from similar situations in our past.

It can also be auto-responses with opinions from others that we have yet to define for ourselves. Things that may not at all apply to the understanding we have had of ourselves. So we are awakening to a better understanding of who we are. We acknowledge what no longer serves us, and try to let it go. It seems to be people, memories, and things. Even habits, traditions, and feelings go along here. We come to a place in ourselves where we wish to create a minimum circle around us – only people that work with us, only things that make us feel good, only memories worth keeping.

The intent of doing so is to become independent, and some even self sufficient; to not lean upon others or the possessions we have built our lives around. Because if you lose all your possessions – who are you? If you lose your job, what are you?

To find out who and what we are, we have to let go of behaviors taught by our parents, and find our own measurements of values and morals. Not necessarily so that what you were taught is wrong, but how do you know it’s right, unless you pick it apart to observe it. Can you adopt opinions and perceptions without questioning, and stand strong in the conviction of that throughout trying times? Can you explain or define without having anything else to measure it to? Can you defend it in totality when you don’t know the totality?
Through picking it apart, we create a wholeness within ourselves. You may come back to the things you were taught because they seem the most right, the most valid to you – or you may find a completely different route to travel. Whatever you find to be closer to the truth for you will serve you as a foundation that you can apply to your life, your breath, your view, and your steps. We allow ourselves to become individuals with own thoughts, and own perceptions doing it this way.

Most times Stage 1 serves this for the first time in our lives. In that very same breath, it is also a journey to become whole with others as well.

Many have found a realization of where they’re headed, and know what to do to get there. We know, all people will not “wake up” to the same realizations or realities that we have. Even when we find ourselves striving to reach further, others choose to settle with what they have. In that we also realize, that we cannot help everybody at all, and some really don’t need help. We can’t wake people up, even though we would love to and have the best of intentions to do so.
People have to wake themselves up, sometimes with a helping hand, most times on their own. It is all a matter of strength, and there needs to be a constant reminder to ourselves of finding this strength.

It is not easy to understand that our life force, our consciousness, our equanimity, and our own value to the world are all the same thing. It is not easy either, to come to the understanding that the transformation in the world, the re-generation, will force us to climb the evolution ladder whether we feel ready or not.
All we can do in the moment is find the level of flexibility needed, and use adaptability to manifest it so that we, by choice, Survive or not. Grow or not. Wake up, or not.
To be able to do this, we have to take hold of our own lives and with that stand to the responsibility of our lives. So it all somehow leaves me with the questions whether we can throw off any cultural conditioning that keeps us from owning our original pure nature, or not?

Can we step into the full light of truth as we know it so that our core motives are revealed? Can we be THAT honest with ourselves and others?

The notes that follow in italic are my original thoughts on Stage 1 and I will try to explain it afterwards, or at least make a more full sentence of my thoughts. This is my guidance in what is called “The First Stage of Change”. There are 4 as far as I know.

* * *

“The first level, to me, is based on Awareness: We know the goals because we have Awoken to some parts of a Truth that we seek. We wake up, and by this, we are split from others who cannot understand the realizations, the revelations, and the Visions that drive us. We become “different” and we become “weird” in the eyes of those who we feel are Blind. Outsiders looking in. We strive to Become what we want to Be, to learn more.
From the huge mass of mankind, this level will split the mass in two.. Aware and Unaware..”

And I believe this. It is not at all dependent upon religion, money, race, or sex. This dichotomy happens when we realize how alive we are and how much power we have to change, to create, to empower. The realization comes with responsibilities as well that most times are forgotten or denied. When something triggers us to see beyond the limitations we have upon ourselves and our abilities in life, it trigger us to realize our awake moments, our choices; what we say and think and let other people taste of ourselves. It is overwhelming when we see this the first time, because suddenly we see that what we hold as important may not matter to us at all, and what we have done throughout the years, may have been a somewhat waste of time.

The path we have followed or the opinions we have expressed may have been completely hypocritical to what we really believe or feel or strive for.
We may even be resenting what we think, and refuse to accept that what we just thought is actually our own thought. Well, how can you know unless you find out? Examine yourself. Listen to your own words. Be in the moment of your speech, and see whether what you express is you or not you.
Create yourself.

This embraces us to start interacting with our lives in a different way. We find ways to go about that is not taught by our parents. Inside, there is a feeling or intuition expanding out over the world we experience, and at the same time increasing our personal power that our perception contains more of the bigger picture than before.

Where we first felt a Frustration of Being, we come to see the Need to Change. When becoming more aware of our selves and what we wish in life – and when we have come to terms with how we interact – where there was a Need to Change, there is now a Will to Change.

We become aware of whom we are, where we want to go, what we want to do. We see fragments of something else unexplainable that may be discouraging at first, although it feels right from the start still. We can’t explain it, but we feel it. We can’t show others, but we see it still in ourselves.
We become ‘seeing’, and others remain ‘blind’. We ‘change’, others get stuck. We ‘grow’, others remain ‘unchanged’.

We start to Walk, Others are left behind.

Tthat is how it has to be. The steps can never be taken unaware. When being unaware of your choices, you won’t hold a need and will to change. You settle for what you have and feel content [or not] in it. But as long as it is the way you know it, and you are blind or unaware of your power to change it, you will not change.
Stage 1 can end up having us feel like outsiders until we understand that the emptiness is on one hand a selfish sadness, because we don’t get the energy of others to muster up our “own”. When that frustration is acknowledged and processed, you can leave it behind. When done so, you will probably love the time alone because you know you need the time to contemplate. You need to use your own inner resources. You need time and energy to view the world through clean perception, and also need it as well to grasp what you have started to awake to. It is mind blowing indeed, and to grasp it seems way too hard because it is all so seemingly vast.

You will get a hang of it. Don’t say you can’t if you haven’t tried. Don’t give up if it isn’t served on a silver plate. Don’t whine if it isn’t instant. You chose to progress. Follow it through.
I believe in you.

”People feel attracted to aware people. “There is something about her/him, but I can’t put my finger on it”.. They may not like the fact that we don’t follow the herd, they may even shake their heads and not understand. But they still need us, want us, and are dependent upon “that something” that aware people possess.
Since everything we achieve is a reflection of our character and personality, this level helps us form the foundation of our expanding worth, attracting more, until we accumulate all the fulfillment we could ever dream of. When we learn to use our magnetism to help achieve our purest goals, we are divided from the mass to climb the ladder…”

We learn to use our magnetism. In other words, we learn to put the energies in the right place. It is not the learning to use others for our own benefit [wink]. It is the realization of how to NOT suck others dry when we run low on fuel, or how to shine but not shine and leak when we are high on energy. It is to realize what effect our actions have on ourselves and our environment, and what reactions they are getting from others or the environment. We can suddenly see how small amounts of misplaced energy can destroy years of building up.

In observing our actions or inactions, we become mindful of our responses, and we find ways to increase our energy levels inside. We understand the patterns around us and the habits we have built up on the way. We also learn to understand the energy exchange that is constantly happening in every interaction with another person. We see that energy used in anger will be wasted; spewed in all directions, Leaving us empty and through that obviously viscously frustrated.

Focused energy in any emotion, will increase the awareness of the reaction and the projection the emotion has on its surroundings. We see that love given will come back just as sweet. Filling and refilling.

We have all wasted energy, and become frustrated because of it. Experiencing all of these different things makes us see how we live our lives. Knowing that, makes us able to always refill our resources. We can always save our energy, never waste our time, and always help others; if that is what we choose to do. At any rate, we see the importance our beings contain. How we think, what we do, how we act and react, constantly creates our realities and each morning serves us the possibility to change a habit we don’t want, or break a pattern that is hurtful to our selves.

We understand that our work inside is our own, but that the outside will be affected by the inner work we all do. The manifestation of the changes will be created with others outside of yourself as we are never the chain ourselves, but each and everyone a link in the chain. And the training of balance starts, and the walk towards global consciousness begins.

”…while others gaze upon the heaven and ask for a miracle that never will come. We are all Miracles; unexplained.. It is born Inside of us, through us, by us and with us. If you knew this, you then wouldn’t throw away your portion of Miracles that is rooted in you. Christians say God created us in his own image. Then we are of no less worth than “him”..”

The power we possess is so hard to get a grasp of at times. Seeing this the first time was overwhelming for me. I do remember it, and seeing the sensations when others in my surroundings didn’t, wasn’t a feeling of being weird – it was a feeling of being home and at the right place in every moment.
“Weird” didn’t happen to me until others values and morals were placed on me. I saw patterns before I started the social entertainment of school and society. In that sense I was blessed with the ability to question at the age of 6. People that find this when being in school or later have a harder time getting passed the fact that all they know and have been taught need to be destroyed. Hypocrisy has weaved what they now. It needs to vanish. It needs to be taken apart and then be put back again with your own individual thought.

See, all the Pieces Fit. Most times in this puzzle’s own time. I revolted early, and threaded my own path. That was my choice. It isn’t easy to do either, because I head butt my way ahead, and I try everything until I know what works. I will try to put the circle through the square if I believe it works. With time every person realizes that the strife in itself, the struggle we feel makes it all much worse. The reason it makes it worse is because we have failed to realize the choices made. We have yet to come to terms with what we have created or chosen. We have yet to balance into ourselves the flexibility and adaptability that we need.

To do what we can do with what we have. To, in each moment, be able to be ourselves and work towards our goals – whatever the world present to us that day. To not lose ground. To not lose our trust in who we are and why we are here and what we want to do while being here. Instead learn to increase the trust so that we can become safe in ourselves. To not sacrifice our selves and what we strive for, if it happens to be obstacles on the way.

To find the understanding of following incidents is a good thing, and realize thereafter, the depth of the situations of which I am speaking:

Understanding that “Home” doesn’t mean “House”, but where you reside Inside.

To be rich doesn’t mean “Awake to the possessions we serve ourselves with”, but the “riches we hold inside”.

To be “successful” doesn’t mean “having the best job”, but instead “Doing the best job”.

In the surrounding world, signs of these Changes have been emerging for a long time now. The discussions on whether we can change the physical set energy masses (physical bodies), with liquid/floating energy (mental/emotional intents) are in their full speed. What comes out of that as proof is just to wait for. It will all be dependent upon perceptions and willpower to increase understandings so that we can grasp what is actually possible.
Is your life a world of possibilities or a world of limitations?

I’m one of the ones trying, pushing limits, advancing in my understanding. I bring science into the equation. Twisting and turning to see if it can fit in the hole.

Are you?

To be Clear in Mind doesn’t mean knowing the next step – it means knowing what we need to achieve and accomplish to continue striving towards our goals, WHATEVER the next step contains.

That we understand the consequences (results) of the actions (thought/action/non-action) that we choose to involve (or not involve) ourselves in.

One Awake and Aware step at the time..

You thought you only Dreamt?

Think again..

Skye Cebhfhionn

© 2001 - 2010 Skye Cebhfhionn

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